Martin Brink Ph. D

Martin is an MfN, IMI and CEDR accredited mediator with more than 20 years of experience in mediating various kinds of disputes. He served among others as a member of the Expert Group installed by the Ministries of Economic Affairs and Justice. He is the co-founder of the Foreign Bankers’ Association in the Netherlands as well as the World Law Group, CMS and the Association on Corporate Mediation. He is also in the Advisory Committee of the Dutch Bar on Mediation and the Dutch Center for Conflict Management.As a mediator, Martin draws on his knowledge and experience in corporate law and his experience as practicing attorney, arbitrator, substitute magistrate in the The Hague Court of Appeals and as a member of various boards (both in Dutch and international companies). He is well versed in the various schools of meditation, ranging from very facilitative to evaluative. He has written extensively about mediation, among others a book on (Business) Mediation and Subject Matter Expertise.Martin Holds a Phd in Law from Maastricht University