Information Form

We are thrilled to host you in a few days at the Global Legal Forum and aim to tailor your experience to meet your unique interests and preferences. We are aiming to craft a fulfilling experience for you.

*Please note, all information will be kept

"*" indicates required fields

Please note, if you have chosen the VIP track and/All Access, you need not complete this part. However, if you have chosen one track option or two track option, please complete this part.
Forum Track Preference

Priority Preferences

Kindly rank the following components of the forum based on your importance, i.e what part of GLF 2023 is most important for you (1 being the extremely important, and 5 being the least important).
Please enter a number from 1 to 5.
Please enter a number from 1 to 5.
Please enter a number from 1 to 5.
Please enter a number from 1 to 5.
Please enter a number from 1 to 5.
Expectations and Interests
Community Interaction
The GLF community is ever-growing! Would you be interested in more interactions and connections within the community?
Would you be comfortable with us sharing your contact information (Email) with other community members for networking purposes? Please note, we will only share with the GLF members who are part of GLF 2023.
We value your feedback and are committed to making the Global Legal Forum a memorable and enriching experience for you. We appreciate your time and cooperation in filling out this form!